Inquiry for Children’s Services Please indicate what services you are interested in for your child?* Early Intensive Behaviour Consultation (0 - 6 yrs) Behaviour Consultation for school age children (6-18) Spring Break Camps Summer Camps PEERS groups Triple P™ Stepping Stones Positive Parenting Solutions (1:1 home sessions) Triple P™ Stepping Stones Positive Parenting Solutions (Group Sessions) Other Other (Please Specify) Name of Child/Youth* Age* Gender Region* Relationship to Child/Youth*MotherFatherGuardianService ProviderOtherOther (Please Specify) Telephone (day) Telephone (evening) Email* Where did you hear about us? Is there any other additional information you would like to share with us at this time that would help us serve you better?CAPTCHA This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.