LINK! For Children and Youth Select the program you are interested in* LINK! 1:1 support to address challenges with sexual behaviour LINK! 1:1 support for sexual health education LINK! Group session for children and youth LINK! Demystifying Sexuality: Support for Parents/Caregivers/Support staff Other Other (Please Specify) Name of Child/Youth (Optional) Age* Gender Name of person filling out this form* Relationship to Child/Youth*MotherFatherGuardianService ProviderOtherOther (Please Specify) Email* Region/City* Preferred number to be contacted at* Where did you hear about us?Choose oneFriendWebFlyerSocial WorkerOther (specify)Other Please indicate your preference to receive support Online sessions/meetings In-person sessions/meetings If you selected LINK! Group please fill out this section.My child/youth is Motivated to learn about sexual health Able to communicate verbally and participate in a group setting Able to focus and function independently in a group setting LINK! Group Preference Online group sessions/meetings In-person group sessions/meetings Future LINK! group sessions Notify me of any future LINK! group sessions CAPTCHA This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.